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Solo Performer Show Controller SE Mac 4.4

Solo Performer Show Controller SE Mac Solo Performer Show Controller SE Mac 4.4

Screenshots of Solo Performer Show Controller SE Mac

Solo Performer Show Controller SE Mac Publisher's Description

Solo Performer Show Controller is a system for live performances that plays background audio accompaniment, displays lyrics, and controls effects units.

Musicians can create play lists of audio to use as background accompaniment for their performances. MIDI files may be played as audio or can be sent to an external MIDI device. Lyric displays can be added to display lyric text in synchronization to the audio playback. MIDI effects can be changed automatically during song playback.

For hands-free operation, a usb-connected foot controller can be purchased separately that also upgrades the system to control 16 channels of DMX512 lighting.

What's New in Version 4.4 of Solo Performer Show Controller SE Mac

Fixed a problem where imported MIDI events could not be repositioned

Fixed a problem where the sending of DMX fades from the playlist window would take longer than expected

Fixed a problem where dragged light event markers saved previous timecode value in lightshow file

Fixed a problem where lyric events would sometimes not show up on the secondary lyrics display window

Fixed a problem with copy and pasting lyric events from the event track's contextual menu

Fixed a problem where lyric files were sometimes saved in the old format that was used in version 3

Fixed a problem where system volume was set to zero when using certain firewire audio interfaces that report their volumes incorrectly

Fixed a problem where the second lyrics window would sometimes not show lyrics

Second lyrics window now opens on the main computer screen if it was last positioned on another screen that is no longer present

Improved CPU usage efficiency

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